Posts on this blog mostly use the technique: type, type, type in the head, edit-edit a little, then PUBLISH 😀. I created this blog as a forum for practicing writing & no intention at all to copy the writings of other parties or offend other parties. However, if I have written something that inadvertently offends the Other Party, please let me know in the comment field. I will edit or delete immediately;
You may publish some or all of my writings with or without prior permission to include links to the text (No live link ... original only);
About Image Link, for now my hosting is still strong, please link the image on this blog on your blog, but if my hosting has started not strong, I will change the name of the image file which will cause the image will not appear on your blog ;
I am now not moderating the comments manually, but I am using a capture-free webvitaly anti-spam plugin to make it easier for visitors to comment. If any promotional comment still passes or any inappropriate comments will I delete;
I invite you to blogwalking, just say hello, first, second etc. But I do not guarantee a return visit 😛 .... And as much as possible I will reply to incoming comments. But if I do not reply or reply for long ... yes sorry 😀
Thank you for visiting, please come back 😉