The Real Sinus Headache

Sinusitis is a condition that one's sinuses inflamed. Sinus inflammation may be due, but not limited to bacterial or viral infections or allergic reactions.

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The symptoms of sinusitis, the sinus headache that can affect several parts of the head, including the face, jaw and teeth. During the attack, sinusitis, sinus headaches May be localized to one or two pairs of inflamed sinuses but in severe cases, all sinuses are swollen and therefore cause a sinus headache that can be felt in the forehead between the eyebrows, upper jaw and teeth along with tender cheeks and face , the nose.
It is important to note that sinus headache is not the only symptom of sinusitis. If it is really sinusitis, you will experience tenderness and inflammation of tissue around the eyes resulting in swollen eyelids and red eyes. In addition, it may be the loss of smell from the congested nasal passage.