Headache cures are the most sought after remedies since headaches rank amongst the most common ailment and are known to affect many people frequently. The vast majority of headaches are characteristically benign and self-limiting but largely preventable.
Headache Pressure Points
To relieve their pains, sufferers usually seek out over the counter painkillers such as aspirin, paracetamol (acetaminophen), or ibuprofen but some specific forms of headaches (e.g., migraines) may demand other, more suitable headache remedies.
People deal with headaches in different ways. Some people take coffee and caffeine after all most headache medicines do contain caffeine. Others choose to meditate in an atmosphere lit with candles make for the perfect type of "light" that you can stand when you're having one of those earth shattering headaches and can help you relax. This isn't surprising considering lights, especially very bright or flourescent ones, can trigger migraine headaches. Listening to very light, soft and calming music can also help lift the tension.
Here are some alternative headache remedies that have been proven to work which you may never have considered trying :
Lemons or Limes With Salt and Pepper
Immediate relief can be obtained by squeezing the juice of three or four slices of lemon into your tea.
The crust or rind of a lemon, which we usually throw away, has been found useful in relieving headaches caused by heat. Simply pound the lemon into a fine paste in a mortar and apply as a plaster on your forehead.
A traditional recipe that uses lemon or limes with salt and pepper has also been used as one of the many headache remedies available.
Apples or Apple Cider Vinegar
Apples are used in a few headache remedies. One such reliever is to remove the upper rind and the inner hard portion of a ripe apple and take it with a little pinch of salt every morning on an empty stomach.
You can also try eating the whole apple to but do it slowly, say over the course of 30 - 45 minutes.
Drinking a combination of 2 standard tablespoons of organic, raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of honey and 8 ounces of cold water can work great as a headache remedy too.
Headache remedies using the henna flower can be used very effectively on headaches caused by the sun radiations or heat. Simply rub the flowers in vinegar and apply over your forehead for quick results.
Cinnamon headache remedies are useful in treating headaches caused by exposure to cold air or cold winds. Make a paste of cinnamon by mixing in water and apply it all over your temples and forehead.
Hewadache Remedies Using Coconut Oil
Adding coconut oil to your diet can give your brain greater balance. This is because the brain is mostly made up of fat. A cycle of 1 tablespoon of oil per day can help to prevent headaches.
One of the simplest headache remedies is to apply pressure to your temples and rub in a circular motion. Another way is to ask someone to squeeze between your thumb and index finger for about 5 minutes. It may hurt but it does make the headache go away.
Other known headache remedies include herbs such as rosemary and marjoram, cayenne pepper, garlic, gatorade, h202 inhalation therapy, an indian oil called navaratna oil, raw potatoes, vinegar steam and a vinegar soaked scarf.
The above information thankfully comes from theheadacheinfosite.com at the following link.